Fetch.ai x Festo x University of Cambridge

We are incredibly excited to announce that we are collaborating with Festo and the Manufacturing Analytics Group at the University of Cambridge, Institute of Manufacturing (IfM), to provide research…


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I shizzled in my dizzle fo rizzle shirt

PhyllIs ElaIne I wonder If staying where she was risking the I shizzled in my dizzle fo rizzle shirt of her children. The world would be a wonderful place She risked the lives of her children to come here Illegally. We as human beings need to look deep InsIde and start to feel for those less fortunate.

Sam Thomas Seek It from outside the country you don’t have to jump the border Gladys Rock there wouldn’t be an overflowing If they were adhering to the asylum guidelines which say applicants should be processed and released within 72 hours. Sam Thomas I think ICE needed more volunteers to take care of overflowing Illegal ImmIgrants. She went Into the IntensIve care unit 1 day after being release from Ice detection where doctors tried to save her but was unsuccessful.

For all the Trump loving poorly educated deplorable who did not read or cannot read the article the child got an InfectIon while In detention and was poorly treated. She was put In ICU the day after being released from Ice custody, where she died 6 weeks later. They fled violence In Guatemala, legally sought asylum here, were held beyond the court mandated 72 hour limit, kept In filthy overcrowded conditions for 20 days, where the child contracted bronchitis that was never properly treated.

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